The National Deer Association holds their annual River Bottom Arrowfest in the Spring at the Wellsville Rod & Gun Club. This event presents archers an opportunity to compete for prizes and awards by using their bowhunting skills at a number of challenging venues. One of their favorites is the forest trail where they engage targets under varying and realistic hunting conditions.

This event attracted over 200 competitors and was enjoyed by everyone. The competition concluded at lunchtime and the archers were treated to food and refreshments, compliments of the National Deer Association.

The afternoon hours were devoted to awards presentations and raffles for numerous prizes including firearms, compound bows, hunting stands, and many more items.

The Wellsville Rod & Gun Club and the Upper Genesee River Branch of the NDA enjoy a great working relationship. Many local sportsmen are members of both organizations and work together to support and promote both clubs.
If you are interested in deer hunting, we recommend that you visit the National Deer Association website. Their site has a tremendous amount of information on all aspects of hunting whitetail deer. And, if you join the NDA, your membership allows you to attend their regular seminars and events free of charge.