The Wellsville Rod & Gun Club is a 501c3 tax exempt organization, categorized by the IRS as a Public Charity. All of our income is dedicated to maintaining our facilities for the benefit of our members and the public. Our facilities are available to rent for private events, however we often provide free use of the clubhouse, pavilion and grounds to public service organizations, schools, law enforcement and emergency response agencies.
Our first club event of the year is usually the Kids’ Fishing Derby that takes place late in April. As you can see from the first photo in the group below, hosting kids at the club’s fish pond began back in the 1940s. In 1975, the event became an annual tradition with this year being the 50th Annual Kids Fishing Derby.
The Derby provides an opportunity for many youngsters to enjoy fishing in the club pond and catch some fish. The club provides a free lunch and refreshments for all the registered children. They are treated to hot dogs, drinks and dessert, prepared and served by club members. At the end of the day, all the kids receive awards and prizes supplied by local radio stations WJQZ and WLSV and the Wellsville Lions Club. In April of 2023, the club hosted 112 kids at this event.

During April and May each year, the club hosts the Wellsville High School Trap Team. The Trap Team makes use of the club’s trap range to improve their shooting skills and compete in a Statewide competition. The club provides the team with the clay birds needed for their practice and competition free of charge. In addition, the club helps the Trap Team by maintaining their financial assets in our bank account.
Our club regularly hosts free trap shooting seminars instructed by club member and certified instructor, Ric McEnroe. Ric helps students of all ages improve their shooting skills during these hands-on seminars. Ric has conducted a number of these free courses and more are planned for this year.
In September each year, the Wellsville Lions Club’s holds its first Fall meeting and Fall Dinner in our clubhouse.
The Wellsville Police Department holds their Fall Outing at the club also.
In October of 2022, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Division of Law Enforcement held their Region 9 meeting at the club. About 30 of the State’s “Game Wardens” from Niagara, Erie, Wyoming, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany Counties were present at that meeting. Captain Josh VerHague has indicated that they will continue to meet at the Gun Club on a yearly basis.

Another activity that the Wellsville Rod & Gun Club is involved in is conducting free fishing clinics at the David Howe Library. These clinics are instructed by Club members to provide the basics of fishing for anyone wishing to take up the sport for the first time.
In addition to providing our facilities to other public service organizations free of charge, we also rent the facilities for private events. The National Deer Association conducts their Arrowfest event on our grounds each spring to raise funds for their organization.
Certified firearms instructors of Delta Firearms Training, Sam Patello and Nick Massal conduct the 18 hour Concealed Carry Pistol Courses that are now required by New York State for the issuance of new pistol permits. They will be offering these courses during the year. Be sure to check our calendar of events for the schedule.
Almost every weekend during the summer, our facilities are rented for graduation parties, weddings, corporate gatherings, family reunions, class reunions and other similar events.
From April through November each year, the Club provides weekly skeet and five-stand shoots that are open to the public. The fee for these shoots is only $5.00 for 25 birds and $10 for 50 birds. These fees are only to cover the cost of the clay birds purchased and supplied by the club.
Members of the Wellsville Rod & Gun Club actively partner with the local chapter of the Lions Club to assist them in their fundraising efforts. Each April, the Lions Club hosts and conducts their Annual Trout Derby on the Genesee River. Gun Club members assist them with the preparation, operation and takedown of the event. The three-day event draws attendees from all over New York and Pennsylvania. Income from the event was just under $20,000.00 last year for the Lions Club. That money supports many medical services in the area.
The Club also sponsors children to attend the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s summer outdoor camp program at the DEC’s Rushford Lake Camp. This year, the Club is sponsoring five children from the Wellsville School System to attend the week-long camp at a cost of $350.00 for each child. These children are selected by school staff and are from families that might not normally be able to afford to send their children to camp.
Another program that the Club is developing is a college scholarship for first-time college students pursuing a curriculum in environmental studies, wildlife or fish biology, natural resource protection or similar courses. The plan is to provide two scholarships of $500.00 each for the fall enrollment.
In the past, the Wellsville Rod & Gun Club has hosted the Alfred State Regional Police Academy for their module on firearms training. Their instructors have expressed an interest in returning to the club to utilize our range for the same training during this year’s Academy. Upon approval of the College Board, the club will again provide the use of its range free of charge for the training of the new class of law enforcement officers.
The Wellsville Rod & Gun Club exists to serve its members. We do that by providing the facilities and gun ranges that our members use regularly. We are able to provide these facilities and pay for their repairs and upkeep with membership fees and rental fees. Those fees also allow us the flexibility of being able to provide the use of our facility to other non-profit and public service organizations free of charge.